Wonderful Collective

The Wonderful World of Screen Print

Jessica Stock1 Comment

I am all about packaging.  I fall under the category of people who do buy books purely on the cover.  And so, it was important to me that the packaging for Party in a Tote was not only fun but also a little cheeky and lighthearted.  Summoning Tom Robbins, I gave the inanimate objects a voice.  After all, it's a party and everyone's invited!

Party in a Tote.jpg

I am also all about Tote bags. On any given day you will see me running around the Bay Area with several tote bags slugged over my shoulder.  Since I take my bags quite seriously I wanted complete control over the screen printing process opting to hand screen print each canvas tote bag.  I'm not a fan, however, of the chemical process that goes into burning the image onto the screens so I always have Anthem Printing (SF company) take care of the dirty work. Anthem always does a beautiful job and their website makes it super easy to place an order.


I printed the bags in black ink first, but then couldn't resist seeing how our logo would look in neon pink! Which one is your favorite?